Monday 8 August 2011

The Llama Army

This is our llama army; the video is on YouTube. Enjoy.

Friday 5 August 2011


What IS this!?

Down With Babies

We should get together and protest sometime. It'd be fun.

Club Penguin Babies

Babies, Y U NO get off the Berg!?

At one point, one of them fell into the water. No one cared.

Club Penguin Goes Green

What do you think of all the recycling themed stuff? I know it is old but it would be nice to know what you think.

Do you remember the old Mine? I miss it.

Thursday 4 August 2011


There is a fish in the sky. That is all. :)


The servers were crashing and people were losing connection. I managed to log on and was brought to this room:

Does anyone know what this is? It looks like a tutorial/welcome room. My penguin is over 1200 days old. I do not need a tutorial. *confused*

I clicked the map and it was normal again.

Club Penguin Babies 2

Babies and 'wammys' being strange:

I do not know why they say that because 'big sister' shows up in the chat.

People who talk about jets are annoying.

WTF. That is all I have to say about that.

Silly nublet, they are called pilots.

Club Penguin Babies.

I am going to be doing written updates aswell as my videos. First, let's start with something new: what are they even saying?
I have seen a lot of new things being said recently and would like to show you.

WTF. That doesn't really make sense. I have always wondered why they Talk Like This (capitalising words in the middle of sentences). What does it prove?

These will be regular so be sure to visit the blog. ^^

What's With These Puffles?

Today, I got mail on Club Penguin. I was all "EEEEP, someone actually likes meeee :D :D." Turns out it was a reminder that my puffle was hungry and that I am a really bad owner and should probably never buy another puffle. It got me thinking: Who actually sends those messages? It says they are from Club Penguin, but it still does not make sense. Does some random guy come to your igloo and poke around your stuff, find your puffle and examine it to see if it is being looked after properly, or does the puffle decide that it is not going to put up with this anymore, and somehow (they are probably secret ninja-wizards) send you a letter as if to say, "HELLO. FEED ME or I will run away or possibly EAT YOU when you come home, love from (insert puffle name here) xx

What do you think?

What Have They Done With the Catalog!?

According to the Penguin Times, the catalog is due out today. It always used to be Friday, and it would be out early in the morning. But today (and most other months) the catalog is late. There have been people dancing and... sort of protesting to get the catalog. CP, Y U NO bring out catalog?

Hopefully, you like memes. If you do not, this post will not make much sense.

Monday 1 August 2011

The New Pet Shop

I decided to go online for the first time in a few months. The first things I noticed were the boats. A lot of boats. YAY BOATS. Anyway, I went into the Pet Shop for no apparent reason other than to look at odd people, and I saw a load of puffles doing what I first thought was floating... Turns out there are numerous tubes circling the shop, and the puffles have somehow got themselves into them. I did try to find some logical way in which they could have got into the blue pipes, but every entrance seemed to go to either the ceiling or the floor. There was one that appeared to go into the little house thing in the corner, but you never see them falling to the bottom.
Where do the ones that go into the ceiling end up? Perhaps they run around the island causing destruction and annoying people. Or maybe it's a secret portal to Rockhopper Island... or Hogwarts. Maybe I will find out one day.
I asked someone why there were pipes around the shop, but they responded with "ROARR?" and proceeded to put on the blue dragon costume; the person walked away. I probably should have just looked on the blog. But I am lazy. :D

Here's what I am talking about (although you probably already know).

That puffle is levitating. Evidence strongly suggests that the entrance goes to Hogwarts.

Update: more evidence that puffles are secret ninja-wizards and are planning to destroy everything that doesn't involve food.
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